Monday, April 17, 2006

Do we even need humans anymore?

I know it's been a long time since my last post...I promise to TRY to write more.

I remember reading an article a few years ago about how science was in the process of perfecting the ability to fertilize ovarian eggs (through synthenic and frozen sperm). There was a lot of uproar as some groups (with mostly men as members) thought that they would no longer be needed.

Today it seems science has stepped forward a different direction. Click here to read an article on a robot giving birth.

Most science fiction stories depict the world being taken over by machines. Looks like we are headed in the right direction.


Chad Kremer said...

Um . . . wheres the rest monkey?

Mandy said...

That was so weird. I had to post to the blog like 4 times before it would put the whole thing out there.

Chad Kremer said...

Do you think Robots have placentas? Im just saying . . .

Matt said...

I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords. As a knowledgable member of the "fleshies" I can help round up other humans to toil away in your silcon caves. In time, we will come to see your cold, LED eyeballs glimmer with the same love and affection we used to bestow upon on our newly born... eh, constructed brethern.