Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Laugh or Cry?

The headlines says it all, "Sheriff: Kansas woman sat on boyfriend's toilet for 2 years; didn't want to leave bathroom"


WICHITA - Authorities are considering charges in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years - so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time the boyfriend finally called police.

Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said it appeared the 35-year-old Ness City woman's skin had grown around the seat. She initially refused emergency medical services but was finally convinced by responders and her boyfriend that she needed to be checked out at a hospital."

I think... cry.



Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Why did it take the boyfriend TWO years before seeking help? He has a problem too.

Anonymous said...

I hope he had more than one bathroom!

Anonymous said...

I think that is a bunch of crap

Anonymous said...

'so supper's ready. oh, i see, you want to eat in the bathroom again.'

one has to you think she had any feeling left in her legs?

and finally, i just have to say it...this stinks...