Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bootcamp pt 2

It was a bit easier getting up for bootcamp this morning, although Nikki looked pretty hung-over. Funny, I don't remember buy her any booze last night. Anyhow, this will be a short post as I am only going to document what I did.

Ran 1 mile (9:13)
60 Pull-ups
120 Push-ups
180 Squats
240 Crunches
Ran 1 mile (9:45)

My armies hurt...sigh...I am taking some Advil now.....


Matt said...

You did 120 push-ups? That's insanity! I couldn't do 10 push-ups, in a row, if I tried. Keep it up the work good!

Angie said...

"she has to discipline her body
'cause she knows that
It's demanding to defeat those evil machines
I know she can beat them....
Oh Mand'a...."