Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Foiled by Homeland Security.....

I realized yesterday that our plates expired November 8th, instead of the end of November as I had originally thought. So, I decided to head over to the DMV to get new plates and registration, which I thought would be an easy task. I got a little turned around on the directions, all those slight lefts and such, but I eventually found it.

My number was called after being there for maybe a minute and I was thinking that this was going to be the easiest experience at a government office I had ever encountered. I handed her all of my information, hoping that it wouldn't cost too much. Instead of telling me the price, she told me that due to the Office of Homeland Security I would not be able to get the plates and registration because Matt's name is the only one on the previous registration. The only way for me to get the whole thing done is to either have Matt sign the car over to me on the title or have him fill out a power of attorney form; both of which he needs to be in the country to sign. Sigh....I will have to wait until next week.


Erin B said...

that went from suck to blow.

Anonymous said...

Just drive around like normal (whatever normal is) it will all work out in the end

Jessica S said...

Looks like you'll be hoofin it for a little while!

Anonymous said...

so, uh, look, here's how you do it...sign matt's name, go back tomorrow, tell that mindless guberment drone that matt signed it...resist urge to rough them up if they get lippy...walk away smiling.


go absolutely ape-poopy on them.

one of those approaches has got to get you new tags.

Anonymous said...

or put you away...........

Matt said...

I opt for dressinng up as me, complete with a top-hat, stilts, monocle, and a huge curly mustache. "Good morning gentle sir! In keeping with the legeslative practices of the glorious state of Colorado, I have traveled a-far to renew yon plates post-haste!" Then knock the attendant on the head with the top of your walking cane to emphasize the point.

Anonymous said...

hit them with your gamp